…be it unto me according to thy word (Luke 1, 38)
Dear friends,
Our parish church of the Annunciation was established in Moscow in the spring of 2009.
The chief reason for its creation was the wish of our dean Rev. Ivan Chernyshev to establish such a parish in Moscow that would be both professing Confessional Lutheranism, keeping true adherence to the Book of Concord, clinging to the Apostolic Tradition revealed through its filiation, and at the same time impartial to the national background of the parish members, unlike some of German and Ingeri churches, where partiality is unfortunately the case.
As the mere existence of any true Christian parish is impossible without a bishop: «And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things» (Romans 10,15), our parish addressed Bishop Vsevolod Lytkin with the request to be entered into the centralized structure of the Siberian Evangelic Lutheran Church (SELC).
At present, we have been fully integrated into the liturgical order of the SELC, and we hope that our will to carry the Good News forth into the world will duly correspond to the title of our parish – the Evangelic Lutheran Church of the Annunciation.
Clergy of our parish
Name: Ivan Albertovich Chernyshev
Year of birth: 1968
Married, two children.
Place of birth: Germany, Chemnitz (Karl-Marx-stadt)
Education: 1996 г. Papal Lateran University (Pontificia Universita Lateranense) in Rome: Philosophy, theology — Bachelor
Specialty: Oriental institute in Rome, Canon law of Eastern churches.
Ordained to pastorate in ELKRAS (Evangelic Lutheran Church of Russia and other states) in 1998 under Archbishop G. Krechmar assisted by Bishop F. Seiler and Propositus pastor M. Brokmann.
In 1998 through 2000 served as pastor in and out of the city of Ussuriysk in the parish of St. Mary established by him.
From 2000 to 2010, fulfilled his spiritual mission on the Internet and will realize a project — the lutheran parish of «the Annunciation» in to Moscow.
On March, 2nd, 2011 it is accepted in a real dignity by bishop Vsevolod Lytkin in the Siberian Evangelic Lutheran Church where on the present bears service of the prior of the Lutheran parish «the Annunciation».
Our contacts:
The schedule of worship at the Parish church of the Annunciation:
Sunday, 12.00 — God’s liturgy (after worship, Hour of the Bible for all, free admission, Bible study and research).
Baptism (including children); wedding; confession (including private); home consecration; funeral services — by prior agreement with the pastor.
You can find as every Sunday from 12.00 till 13.00 o’clock, address can be confirmed by phones: 8(966)340-00-69 – rev. Ivan Chernyshev; and 8(929)641-30-00.
Or on electronic contacts:
@mail: invocavit@mail.ru
ICQ: 556332768
Contributions to our ministry:
Dear brethren and sisters,
We are making our best so that the materials provided at our site guided its visitors on the Path of spiritual life trodden by many generations of Christians.
Our ministry receives no financial assistance from any church or social groups, your benevolent gifts being its only source.
God may inspire your heart with the will to assist us in order for us to be able to continue in our hard but necessary labor: «Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men». (II Corinthians 8:21)
You may use one of the following forms of support:
1. Prayer for our clergy and their ministry. Please remember that your prayers are vitally important for us being the firm foundation no Christian ministry can be strong without.
2. Financial aid:
a. Via Yandex-money: 41001566845319
b. Via USD account in the Bank «Alfa-Bank»:
Beneficiary: Chernyshev Ivan Albertovich
Beneficiary’s Acc №: 40817840906180002940 (USD)
Purpose of payment: Voluntary donations for the needs of the parish of the Annunciation Moscow
Correspondent bank: Citibank NA, 399 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10043, USA
Account: 36310481
Beneficiary’s bank: AO «ALFA-BANK», 27 Kalanchevskaya str., Moscow, 107078
Correspondent bank: JPMorgan Chase Bank NA
270 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10017, USA
Account: 400130726
Beneficiary’s bank: AO «ALFA-BANK», 27 Kalanchevskaya str., Moscow, 107078
Correspondent bank: The Bank of New York Mellon
One Wall Street, New York, NY 10286, USA
Account: 8900613920
Beneficiary’s bank: AO «ALFA-BANK», 27 Kalanchevskaya str., Moscow, 107078
If you decide upon this benevolent act, please call us or write an e-mail message providing your name and e-mail address so that we could express our gratitude and include your name in our prayers of thanksgiving.